Live Philippines : Fiorgelato - Harrison Plaza - FLY AND SAIL TOURS & TRAVELFiorgelato - Harrison Plaza Fiorgelato - Head Office Fiorgelato - Market! Market! Fiorgelato - Robinsons Place Fiorgelato - Shangri-la Plaza Fiorgelato - Sm City Fairview Fiorgelato - Sm City North Edsa Fiorgelato - Sm City Southmall Fiorgelato - Sm Manila Fiorgelato The Pure Italian Ice Cream Fiorgelato/fiorcafe Fiori Di M Fipestcon Enterprises FIR INTL SVCS CORP Firav Freight International Freight Fire & Alarms Automation Philippines Fire 9 Fire And Spill Tech, Incorporated FIRE BUSTER INDS Fire Buster Industries Fire Extinguishers Fire Force Security & Detective Services Fire Horse Travel And Tour Agency Fireant Advertising, Inc. Fireball Design Ideas And Solutions Ltd Firebird Firebird Marketing Philippines Firebounce Firebrand Resources Marketing Corporation Firefighter's Volunteer Association, Incorporated Firefly Brigade Firefly Electric And Lighting Firefly Electric And Lighting Corporation FIREFOX SECURITY & INVESTIGATION AGENCY FIREHOUSE PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED fireIslandgifts Fireprotect, Inc. Fireshack Shawarma - Sm Megamall Firestone Ceramic Inc. FIRESTONE CERAMIC INCORPORATED FIRESTONE CERAMICS INCORPORATED FIRESTONE TRADING Firevent Enterprises Firewalk Philippines FIREWALL CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY & SERVICES FIREWALL TRADING FIREWOOD PIZZA Firewyre Firm Therapeutic Massage & Spa Firma Firma - Trinoma Firma Colina FIRMA HOME ACCESORIES FIRMA TECHNO MACHINERIES INCORPORATED Firmenich Philippines Inc. Firmenich Philippines Incorporated FIRMUS MARKETING CORPORATION FIRMUS MKTG CORP FIRST 'N' FABULOUS First & Finest Technology Corporation First Academy of Computer Arts FIRST ACTIVE CAPITAL CORPORATION First Advance Development Corporation First Agricultural Resource Management FIRST AGRICULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, INC. First Aikka Development Corporation FIRST ALCO-ENGINEERING SERVICES FIRST ALLIANCE ACADEMIC INSTITUTE INC. First Alliance Academic Institute, Inc. First Alliance Business and Management Consultancy First Alliance Technoligies First Alliance Technologies FIRST ALLIANCE TEXTILE COMPANY First Allianz Display FIRST ALLIED CAPITAL CORPORATION First Allied Systems And Technology FIRST ALLIED SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED FIRST ALTA MARKETING FIRST ALTERNATIVE ENTERPRISE First Amson Realty Dev. Corp. First Apollo Realty Corp. FIRST AQUA SUGAR TRADERS INC First Asia Corporate Business Connection (fabconn) First Asia Corporation The First asia Funders & Managers Inc. FIRST ASIA FUNDERS AND MANAGERS INCORPORATED First Asia Institute of Technology & Humanities First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities First Asia Realty Development Corp. FIRST ASIA REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FIRST ASIA RESOURCES AND MANAGERS INCORPORATED FIRST ASIA VENTURE CAPITAL INC FIRST ASIA VENTURE CAPITAL, INC. First Asian FIRST ASIAN CAREER SOLUTIONS INCPRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY First Asian Distribution Co. Ltd. FIRST ASIAN LAUNDRY BRANCH First Asian Metals Corporation First Asian Minerals, Inc. FIRST ASSOCIATED CARGO EXPRESS INC First Auto Supply First AutoGas First Bagumban Fruits Corporation FIRST BALAYAN FINANCING CORPORATION First Balfour First Balfour, Inc FIRST BALFOUR, INC. FIRST BAPTIST CHRISTIAN ACADEMY First baptist Church of Pildera First Batangas Enterprises FIRST BAY AREA BANK (RURAL BANK OF MALALAG) FIRST BEAUTY SUPPLY First Berakah Land First Bf Homeowners Association Incorporated FIRST BINHI CRAFTS CORPORATION FIRST BINONDO ACQUISITION INC First Bonavent Trading Corporation First Brands Philippines Incorporated First Call Business Services First Call Management and Entertainment First Call Marketing Systems First Centerland Development First Cgs Business Provider First Champion & International Entertainment, Inc. FIRST CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT INC (FORMERLY FIRST CLASS PROFESPRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENC First Choice Brokerage Incorporated FIRST CHOICE BUSINESS CONSULTANCY FIRST CHOICE FOODS CORPORATION First Choice Gas & Appliance First Choice Gas & Appliance Center First Choice Gas & Appliance Center FIRST CHOICE GAS AND APPLIANCE CENTER FIRST CHOICE GENERAL MERCHANDISE First Choice Grains & Commodities Express FIRST CHOICE GRAINS AND COMMODITIES EXPRESS First Choice Laundry FIRST CHOICE TRAVEL HUB First Church of Christ Scientist FIRST CITYLINK ENTERPRISES FIRST CLASS AIR SEA INTERNATIONAL First Class Language Academy, Inc. First Class Security Services Corp. First Class Security Services Inc FIRST COML First Communication Services FIRST COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED First Community Bank, Inc. First Community Commerce Corporation First Computer World First Concept Products Incorporated FIRST CONSOLIDATED BANK FIRST CORINTHIAN 3 INDUSTRIES First Corporation First Country Rural Bank (Pasig City)Inc. FIRST COVENANT MANILA CORPORATION FIRST CRAYON LEARNING CENTER FIRST CREDIT CONSULTANTS CORPORATION FIRST CREDIT CONSULTANTS CORPORATION FIRST CROCUS PHILS INC FIRST DAIWA CAPITAL CORPORATION First Data Corporation First Datacorp First Defense Enterprises First Delivery Courier First Distribution Sales Corporation First District Quezon Resources Development and Trading Corporation First Dominion Prime Holdings Inc First Dream Human Resources FIRST DREAM HUMAN RESOURCES (FORMERLY AROUND THE PHILIPPINES MANP SVCS)PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FIRST EAST CHEMICALS, INCORPORATED First Edition Inc. FIRST EDITION INCORPORATED FIRST ELECTRO DYNAMICS CORP. First Electro Dynamics Corporation First Elevator Systems Corporation FIRST ELM INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTOR First Empire First Empire General Merchandise & Internet Café First Energy Solution Mfg Corp First Enterprises FIRST ESTAN TRADING COMPANY FIRST ESTAN TRDG CO FIRST EVANGELICAL LEARNING CENTER First Events Asia Enterprise First Excelsior Incorporated First Excelsoir Inc. First Excelsoir Inc. First Exceltech Construction Corporation First Executive Security Services, Incorporated First Farmers Holding Corp FIRST FARMERS HOLDING CORPORATION First Filipinas Insurance Brokers Corporation First Filipinas Lumber & Hardware Inc. FIRST FINDERS (PHILIPPINE) INCORPORATED First Five Tours And Transport First Food Link First Food Link - Paranaque Branch First Food Link - Quezon Branch First Food Link Distributors Inc FIRST FORWARDER CO INC FIRST FORWARDERS CO., INC. First Forwarders Company First Forwarders Company Incorporated FIRST FRIENDSHIP INDUSTRIAL SALES FIRST GALLEON FUND MANAGEMENT CORPORATION THE First Gas Holdings Corp. FIRST GAS POWER CORP. FIRST GAS POWER CORPORATION First Gateway Training Center, Phils. Inc. First Gem Philippines Electric Corporation FIRST GEM PHILS., ELECTRIC CORPORATION FIRST GEN CORP. FIRST GEN RENEWABLE INC. First Gilmore Realty Corporation First Global Business Trends Corp. First Global Integrated Insurance Agency First Global Magic Solutions, Inc First Golman Merchandising First Gourmet Academy First Guarantee Life Assurance First Guarantee Life Assurance First Guarantee Life Assurance First Guarantee Life Assurance First Guarantee Life Assurance FIRST GUARANTEE LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, INC. FIRST GUARANTEE LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, INC. First Guarantee Life Assurance Company, Incorporated First High School for the Hearing Impaired First Ideas Incorporated First Ilocandia Cable TV First Image Digital Studio First Imperial Cargo FIRST IMPERIAL CARGO INCORPORATED FIRST IMPERIAL CARGO, INC. First Imperial Rent a Car First Imperial Rent a Car Incorporated FIRST IMPRESS PROMOTIONS FIRST IN COLORS INCORPORATED First Innovative Health Care Management Corporation FIRST INNOVI CORPORATION First Integrated Bonding & Ins. Co. Inc. First Integrated Bonding & Ins. Co. Inc. FIRST INTEGRATED CAPITAL SECURITIES INCORPORATED FIRST INTEGRATED MACHINE CORPORATION FIRST INTEGRATED SHIPPING AGENCIES INC First Inter Resources Marketing Inc. FIRST INTERISLAND BUILDERS CORP FIRST INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENT MASTERS INC. First International Training & Development Center, Inc. First Interscrap Trading Corporation First Intramuros Bf Condominium Corporation First IP Consultancy & Technical Services Co. First isabela Cooperative Rural Bank, Inc. First Japs Commercial Incorporated FIRST JYG MARKETING FIRST KBS & MGT CORP FIRST KEY ENTERPRISES First Key Properties Inc. First Kimex Trade First Kimex Trade Inc. FIRST KIMEX TRADE INCORPORATED FIRST KING LEARNING SCHOOL First Kitchen Household International Trading First Laba Laba Doo Laundry & Dry Cleaning Station FIRST LANE SUPER TRADERS CO., INC. First Lawis FIRST LAWIS TRDG First Lepanto Ceramics First Lepanto- Taisho Insurance Corp. First Lepanto-taisho Insurance Corporation First Life Financial First Line Entertainment Club FIRST LINK BROKERAGE INC FIRST LINK CONTAINER LINES INC First Love FIRST MABINI CATHOLIC SCHOOL First Macro Bank First Macro Trading INC. First Magellan Overseas Corporation FIRST MAGELLAN OVERSEAS CORPORATIONPRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY First Makati Training Center for Security Personnel, Inc. First Malayan Leasing & Financing First Mandaluyong Property Network Inc. First Mandaluyong Property Network, Incorporated FIRST MANILA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION First Marcel Tower Condominium Corp First Medical Team First Metro Insurance Agency Inc. First Metro Insurance Agency, Incorporated First Metro Investment Corp. FIRST METRO INVESTMENT CORPORATION First Metro Leasing And Finance Corporation First Metro Travel Inc. First Metro Travelex Inc. First Metro Travelex Inc. First Metro Travelex Inc. First Metro Travelex Inc. First Midland Office Condmn Building First Midland Office Condominium Corporation First Midland Park Corporation First Midland Park Manor Condominium Corporation First Midland Rural Bank, Inc. FIRST MILESTONE CORP First Millenium Enterprises First Multi Health Care Services FIRST MULTI MEGA VENTURES CORP First Multi-tech Industrial & Corporation First Multimedia Center FIRST MULTIMEDIA CENTER INCORPORATED First Naga Rural Bank, Inc. First National Insurance Services Corp. First National Insurance Services Corporation First Nationwide Assurance Corporation FIRST NATIONWIDE PAINT CENTER FIRST NATIONWIDE SALES CO INC FIRST NAVIGATION JASUNCHI INC First Optima Realty Corp. First Optima Realty Corp. First Optima Realty Corp. FIRST OPTIMA REALTY CORPORATION FIRST OPTION ADVERTISING & MGT. SERVICES First Orient Cargo First Orient Development And Construction (fodc) FIRST ORIENT DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FIRST ORIENT SECURITIES INCORPORATED FIRST ORTO MEDICAL CORPORATION First Pacific Davies First Pacific Davies Property Management Incorporated First Pacific Hardware First Pacific Realty Partner First Personnel Services, Inc. First Phil - Ink Enterprises First Phil Leasing corp First Phil Trading Corp FIRST PHILIPPINE BALFOUR BEATTY, INC. FIRST PHILIPPINE BALFOUR BEATTY, INCORPORATED First Philippine Bio-Alternatives MPC First Philippine Development Training Center, Inc. First Philippine Energy FIRST PHILIPPINE ENERGY CORPORATION First Philippine Holdings First Philippine Holdings Corp. FIRST PHILIPPINE HOLDINGS CORPORATION First Philippine Holdings Corporation (FPHC) FIRST PHILIPPINE INDUSTRIAL CORP. First Philippine Industrial Corporation First Philippine Industrial Park FIRST PHILIPPINE INDUSTRIAL PARK, INC. First Philippine Insurance Brokerage Inc. First Philippine Insurance Brokerage Incorporated FIRST PHILIPPINE LEASING CORPORATION First Philippine Realty Corporation FIRST PHILIPPINE SCALES, INCORPORATED First Philippine Scales, Incorporated - Davao Office First Philippine Scales, Incorporated - Malabon Office First Philippine Trading Corporation First Ping Bon General Merchandise First Pinnacle Trading First Pinnacle Trading - Festival Supermall First Pinnacle Trading Corporation First Pinnacle Trading Corporation First Pinnacle Trading Corporation First Pinnacle Trading Corporation First Place, Inc. First Private Bank FIRST PRIVATE BANK, INC. First Progressive Academy First Provincial bank (A Rural bank), Inc. First Quad Airconditioning Specialitst Co. First Quasar Realty Ventures Inc First Radius Builders & Construction FIRST RATE CARGO HANDLERS FIRST RATE PRODUCTS, INC. FIRST RESOURCES MNGMNT AND SECURITIES CORPORATION THE FIRST RUBBER MANUFACTURING COMPANY INCORPORATED FIRST RUBBER MFG CO INC FIRST SCAN PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED First Scan Phils., Inc First Shelter Ventures Realty First Solid Builders Inc. First Solid Builders Inc. First Solid Group of Companies - Avia Land Development and Construction Corp. First Solid Group of Companies - First Ridge Aggregates Inc First Solid Group of Companies - First Ridge Aggregates Inc. First Solid Group of Companies - First Solid Builders, Inc. First Solid Group of Companies - First Solid Property Development Inc. First Solid Group of Companies - Lilai Construction & Devt. Corp. First Solid Group of Companies - Lilai Construction and Development Corp First Solid Group of Companies - Mabuhay Conglomerate Asphalt, Inc. First Solid Group of Companies - Namacon Construction & Devt. Corp First Solid Group of Companies - Phoenix Ready Mix Concrete, Inc First Solid Group of Companies - Phoenix Ready Mix Concrete, Inc. First Solid Group of Companies - Powermix Construction & Devt. Corp First Solid Group of Companies - Stronglink Development Corp. First Solid Group of Companies - Strongrock Concrete Aggregates First Solid Property Development. Inc FIRST SOLID RUBBER INDUSTRIES INC. FIRST SOUTH PACIFIC TRDG CORP FIRST SOUTHERLAND DEVT CORP R E LESSOR FIRST STANDARD FINANCE CORPORATION First State Rural Bank, Inc. FIRST STEP MANPOWER INT`L. SERVICES INCPRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY First Step Pre-school First Stronghouse Trade Corp. FIRST SUGAR CORP First Sugar Corporation First Sun Global Phils. Inc. FIRST SUNLY CREDIT CORP First Taipan Logistics First Taipan Logistics First Terra Aurum First Travel & Tour Service First Travel & Tour Services Inc FIRST TRAVEL & TOURS SVCS INC First Travel And Tours Services FIRST UNI-ASIA SPECIALIST LTD CO First Union Insurance Financial Agencies Incorporation First Union Plans FIRST UNITED BLDG CONDO CORP FIRST UNITED BLDG CORP First United Building Corporation First United Farmer's Bank (Cooperative Rural Bank Laguna) FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ECUM. SCH. First United Transport Incorporated First United Travel Inc. First United Travel, Inc. FIRST UNITED TRAVEL, INCORPORATED FIRST UNITY TEXTILE MILLS FIRST UNITY TEXTILE MILLS INC FIRST UNITY TEXTILE MILLS INC SALES OFFICE FIRST UNITY TEXTILE MILLS INCORPORATED FIRST UNITY TEXTILES MILLS First Urban Trade First Urban Trade Corporation First Victory FIRST VICTORY SHIPPING SERVICESManning Agency First Vita Plus First Vita Plus First Wave Trading and Services FIRST WORLDWIDE MARKETING CORPORATION First Ym Realty Marketing First-avpr Venture FirstAid.ph Firstar General Mdse. FirstBox I.T. Company Ltd. FirstBrand, Inc. Firstchoice Grains & Commoditites Express FIRSTCOMMUNITY BANK, INC. Firstec Asia Silicon Systems Inc FIRSTEP ENTERPRISES INC Firstfruit Purified Drinking Water Firstfruits Project Attache Management & Development Co. Firstlawis Trading Firstlink Container Lines, Inc. Firstmart Enterprise Firstright Developments Limited FIRSTSTATE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION FIRSTSTEP FOOTWEAR Firticor Incorporated FIRTICOR, INC. Firtt Pacific Realty Partner Fis Global FISCAL MANAGERS INCORPORATED Fiscal Planning Bureau - Department Of Budget And Management Fish & Co. FISH COLOR PET SHOP Fish Delight Incorporated Fish for the Gods Trading FishBase FishBase Consortium Fishcake 012 Computer Center Fishda Enterprises Fisher & Paykel FISHER FARMSINCORPORATED Fisher Valley College Fisheries Corporation FISHERMAN PIER TRDG Fisherman s Depot Fishers And Paykel - Head Office Fishers And Paykel - Sm Megamall Fisheye Divers Boracay FISHING BUDDY FISHING BUDDY TRDG Fishwealth Canning Corp Fist Fominiom Prime Holding Fit 4 You Spa FIT Corporation FIT CUE Philippines Fit N Firm Super Body Gym Fit To Be Tied Fitman Motor Work FITMART MALL FITNAFIT GENERAL MERCHANDISE FITNESS 101 GYM FITNESS ADVANTAGE, INCORPORATED Fitness Connection Gym Fitness Design, Inc Fitness First Fitness First Fairview Fitness First Fort Bonifacio Fitness First Greenhills Fitness First Libis Fitness First Manila Fitness First Metro East Fitness First North Edsa Fitness First Ortigas Fitness First SM Megamall Fitness First Southmall FITNESS INTELLIGENCE TRENDS INC FITNESS INTERNATIONAL (MANILA) INCORPORATED Fitness Scape FITRA COOPERATIVE FITRIFT Fitrite Fitrite Inc FITRITE INCORPORATED FITSMART 999 FASHION SHOP FITWALK FITZWAY GENERAL MERCHANDISE Five 9 Five Angels Flower Shop FIVE CIRCLES TRDG Five Cows Five Cows Resto And Ice Cream Bar - Trinoma Five D Virtual Republic Five Dragons Catering Services Five Jewels Corporation Five Plus One Fish Delivery Five R Brokerage Incorporated Five R Marble & Pebbles Supply FIVE RINGS ENT Five Seas Food Corp Five Stallion Trading FIVE STAR AQUARIUS CONSOLIDATED ENTERPRISES Five Star Associates Five Star Building Maintenace and Service Corporation Five Star Bus Five Star Bus Company Five Star Calasiao Five Star Cargo Service, Incorporated Five Star Colorprint, Inc. Five Star Colorprint, Inc. Five Star Customs Brokerage Corporation FIVE STAR EXPORT INTERNATIONAL Five Star Hotel Standard-HRM Training Center Five Star Industries Five Star Marine Services Five Star Marine Services Corp FIVE STAR MARINE SERVICES CORPORATIONMANNING AGENCY Five Star Marketing FIVE STAR PRINTING FIVE STAR PRINTING COLORPRINT, INCORPORATED FIVE STOREYS INCORPORATED Five-j Builders & Metal Craft FIVE-N-TRADING CORPORATION Fix And Care Ref And Aircon Repair Services Fix And Focus FIX BENCH SALON - BURGUNDY BRANCH FIX BENCH SALON-MANILA PLAZA Fix It Best Fix Lab Fix Lab Salon Fix Salon FIX SYSTEMS, INC. Fixco FIXCO INCORPORATED FIXMATE INCORPORATED Fizzure Float Fizzy Salon & Spa FJ & W Steel Building System and Construction Fj Leoncito Sanding Services FJ METALS INDUSTRIES, INC. FJ SABABAN CONSULTANCY FJ SALES CTR FJ3 SARI SARI STORE Fjardo Ailyn T FJD Travel and Tours fjl realty services FJN INDUSTRL SUPPLY CORPORATION FjordTechnology Philippines, Inc. Fjt Eximport FK MARKETING CORPORATION FKKJ TRADING FKL INDUSTRIAL TRADING FKL Trading Fkm Marketing FKM Technologies Inc Fl Events Management Services FL OCTA VISION MANPOWER SERVICES AGENCY COPRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FL Vargas College - Abulug FL Vargas College-Tuguegarao FL VARGAS TUGUEGARAO Fladc FLAG INCORPORATED Flag Incorporatetd Flag Movers Corporation Flagship Immigration Consultants FLAIR & NEW MARINES ADJUSTMENTS CORP Flair Gifts And Party Essentials FLAIREMEDIA Consulting Inc. Flambé Events & Communications Flame-grilled Burger Flameno Francisco G Junior Flames, Curtains & Arts Company Flamin Burgs Flamin Fashions Flamingo Pawnshop - Angeles City, Pampanga Flamingo Villa Resort Flamingo Villa Resort Development, Inc. Flanagan Taxi Flapjacks Flare Enterprises FLAS INDS INC Flash Cards FLASH GARMENT SEWING SVC Flash International Manpower Services Flash International Manpower, Inc. FLASH INTERNATIONAL MANPOWER, INC. PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Flash Link Internet Caf Flash Manufacturing Flash Networx FLASH PRO Flash Telemarketing Solutions Incorporated flashcars advertising FLASHPOINT GLOBAL INC Flat Planet Pty Ltd. Flatlux Internet Café FLAVIO FLAVIO GUTIERREZ SARI SARI STORE Flavor Dynamics Enterprise flavor of the month - soft ice cream FLAVOR SEEKERS FOODMART Flavor Systems, Inc. Flavoron Flavors And Fries - Harrison Plaza Flavors Philippines Inc Flavours Of Asia Flavours of China Flavours Of China - New Farmers Plaza Flawless Aesthetic Clinic - Festival Supermall Flawless Aesthetic Clinic - Greenhills Flawless Aesthetic Clinic - Mall Of Asia Flawless Aesthetic Clinic - Sm City Fairview Flawless Aesthetic Clinic - Sm City Manila Flawless Aesthetic Clinic - Sm City North Edsa Flawless Aesthetic Clinic - Sm City San Lazaro Flawless Aesthetic Clinic - Sm City Sta. Mesa Flawless Aesthetic Clinic - Sm Makati Flawless Aesthetic Clinic - Sm Megamall Flawless Aesthetic Clinic - Sm Supercenter Las Pinas Flawless Aesthetic Clinic - Trinoma Flawless Face And Body Clinic - Cubao Flawless Face And Body Clinic - Festival Mall Flawless Face And Body Clinic - Greenhills Flawless Face And Body Clinic - Head Office Flawless Face And Body Clinic - Petron Flawless Face And Body Clinic - Sm Mall Of Asia Flawless Face And Body Clinic - Sm Megamall FlaxAsia Trading International Flb Electrical FLB ELECTRICAL CORPORATION FLB Overseas Employment Flb Overseas Employment Agency FLB OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY INC. FLB OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY INC. (FLB ENTERPRISES)PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Fle Realty FLEAR ENTERPRISES LTD CORP Fleet Air Customs Brokerage Fleet Air Forwarders Incorporated Fleet Equipment Corporation Fleet Fuel Trading Fleet Management Services Philippines, Inc. Fleet Management Solutions Fleetline Equipment FLEETLINE EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Fleetwood Shipping INC. FLERSAN SHOES & BAGS MANNUFACTURING INCORPORATED FLESAMGO SALON INC Fleur De Liz Flowers Shop Fleur-de-lis Int l. Trading Corp. Fleurentina Flower Shop Fleuris Fragrance Shop FLEXFLOW GEN MDSE FLEXI FOAM MARKETING Flexi-life Phlippines Enterprises Flexi-Lite Phil Enterprises Flexi-lite Philippines Enterprises FLEXIBLE AUTOMATION SYSTEMS CORPORATION Flexible Industrial And Electrical Multi Sales Flexible Multi Ventures Flexicore Construction Services FLEXILITE PHILIPPINES ENTERPRISES Fleximar Packaging And Design Corporation Fleximar Packaging Design Corporation FLEXIMODE ENTERPRISES Flexisource Trading FLEXIWALL OFFICE INTERIORS Flexo Manufacturing Corp. Flexo Manufacturing Corp. Flexo Manufacturing Corp. Flexo Manufacturing Corporation FLEXOPAK INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION FLEXTENCILS UMBRELLA HAUS Flickerhappy Photography And Design Studio Flight 168 Health Spa Flight Cargo Forwarder And Trucking Serv Flight Dynamic School of Aeronautics Flight Dynamics School of Aeronautics Flight Mart Travel Flight Mart Travel And Tours Flight Plan Tours And Travel Flight Plan Tours And Travel Corporation Flight Restobar Flight School International Flight School International Inc. Flight Shop Inc Flight Shop Inc. Flightmart Travel & Tours Flightmart Travel Service Flights "r" Us Travel And Tours FLIK INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED Flip Flop Company Flipbox Productions Flipstylez's Net Caf Flirt Waxing Lounge Flirtlens Photography FLJ ARTCRAFT IMAGINATIVE DESIGN FLJ TRAVELZONE TOURS AND CONSULTANCY FLOATECH INTL INC FLOATING ISLAND RESTAURANT Floben Enterprises FLOCERDA H QUINDOZA PORK & MEAT Flogos Manila, Inc. Floker & Events FLOMEN MANAGEMENT SERVICES Floor & Roof Depot International Floor Center - Aurora Floor Center - Caloocan Floor Center - Commonwealth Floor Center - Greenhills Floor Center - Libis Floor Center - Mindanao Ave Floor Center - Munoz Floor Center - Quezon Ave Floor Center - Quirino Floor Center - Rosario Floor Center - Shaw Blvd Floor Center - Sm City North Edsa Floor Center - SM North Edsa Floor Center - Zabarte Floor Finish Floor Level Inc. Pools div Floor Master Floor Scape Floor Tile Depot Floper Trading Flopstore Philippines Flor Starlight Talent Training And Management Center Flor's Gold Food For The Gods Flora A. Ylagan High School Flora Dior Flora Edistio S FLORA FARMS INTEGRATED INC Flora L. Capili & Associates FLORA P FERRERA SARI SARI STORE Flora's Bagoong Flora's Home Furnishing - Greenhills Floral Bliss Floral Design FLORAL DESIGNS Floral Details Floral L. Capili And Associates Floral Strokes Floral Style Inc. Floral Trends Florals by Aida Floram's Studio Florama Development Corp Florante P. Mujar FLORANTE SHOES Florantes Photographics Florayjun Concrete Products & Construction Supplies Florben Export Enterprises flordelina group of companies FLORDELIZ N ESCOLANO CUSTOM BROKERAGE Flordes Construction And Trading Flore's Eatery FLOREM HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT AND MEDICAL SUPPLIES Floremie FLOREN HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT AND MEDICAL SUPPLIES Florence Flowers and Gifts Shop Florence Flowers and Gifts Shops Florence Foods FLORENCE FOODS CORPORATION Florence Grocery And Cold Store FLORENCE LAXA SARI SARI STORE Florence Pawnshop - Magalang, Pampanga Florence Topico Mayuga Florencio Bernabe Jr FLORENCIO JIMENEZ R E LESSOR Florencio S. Urot Memorial National High School Florendo Herminio Z Florendo Rolando A Florentino T. Alcantara Flores Angela M. FLORES BOOKBINDING SERVICE Flores Cabrera Gonzales & Concepcion Law Offices FLORES CONRADA M Flores Damaso S Flores De Cielito FLORES DE ZAMBOANGA FLORES ERLINDA C Flores Fernandez Dental Clinic FLORES FUNERAL SERVICE FLORES FURNITURE CORPORATION Flores G R Architects Flores Geraldine C. Flores Hermogenes S Flores Integrated Shcool, San Manuel Flores Lazaro M Business Agency Flores Manuel O Flores Marie Ann L Flores Melvin P FLORES MEMORIAL SERVICE Flores R Auto Parts Flores, Sagad And Sons FLORES, SAGAD AND SONS, INCORPORATED Flores-Fernando Roseman Flores-Lamaroza General Merchandise FLORETES DRUGHAUS Floriade Flower Shop Florian Laundry FLORICH SHOE SHOP FLORICULTURE INDUSTRY OF DAVAO INC. Florida Enterprises FLORIDA FOODS, INCORPORATED FLORIDA FOODS, INCORPORATED FLORIDA FOODS, INCORPORATED Florida Institute FLORIDA POST-TENSIONING SYS. CORP. FLORIDA RESOURCES & PLACEMENT CORP FLORIDA RESOURCES & PLACEMENT CORPORATIONPRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FLORIDA TEXTILE STORE Florida V. Leyte FLORIDABLANCA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Florido Carlos A FLORIDO LAW Firms Florido Law Offices FLORIKULTURA DE ORO Florilene Industries FLORISON CANLAS FABRIC & GEN MDSE Floristica Floral Studio FloristPhilippines.com FLORJENMAR MINING COMPANY Florjune's Food Products FLORLIN COMMERCIAL FLORLY S (Panciteria) FLORLYN LAUREZO GEN MDSE FLORMAN INDUSTRIES INC. Floro Blue Pringting Inc. Floro Blue Pringting Inc. Floro Blue Pringting Inc. Floro Blue Pringting Inc. Floro Blue Pringting Inc. Floro Blue Printing (u P) Incorporated Floro Blue Printing and florofoto Floro Blue Printing Inc. Floro Blue Printing Inc. Floro Blue Printing Inc. FLORO BLUE PRINTING INCORPORATED Floro Blue Printing, Inc. Floro Blue Printing, Inc. Floro Blue Printing, Inc. Floro Blue Printing, Inc. Floro Enterprises Inc. FLORO ENTERPRISES INC. Floro Enterprises Inc. Floro Enterprises Incorporated Floro International Floro International Corp Floro International Corporation FLORO INTL CORP FLORO P CORPORATION Floro Publishing Printing FLOROFOTO CORPORATION Florose General Merchandise FLORSHEIM FLORSHEIM SHOE SHOP Florsun Construction Supply Flos Carmeli Institution FLOS CARMELI INSTITUTION OF QUEZON CITY FLOS CARMELI LEARNING CENTER FLOS CARMELLI INSTITUTION Flosun Construction Supply Flotech Water Systems Phils., Inc. Flour Daniel Inc. Phils FLOUR DANIEL, INC.- PHILIPPINES Flour Garden Bakery FLOURISH ENT FLOURISH INTL MANPOWER & GEN SERVICES CORP FLOURISH INTL MANPOWER AND GEN SERVICES CORPPRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FLOURISH MARITIME SHIPPING FLOURISH MDSG Flovour Day Commercial Flow Crete Flow System Inc. FLOW SYSTEM INCORPORATED Flow Yoga Center FLOWCRETE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PHIL.INC Flowcrete Construction Equipment Philippines Flower 10 Flower Arrangement By Federico Bulos Jr Flower Bloom Flower Depot flower depot inc. Flower Depot Incorporated FLOWER ESCAPE Flower Express Flower Factory Flower Farm Corp The Flower Gallery Cafe FLOWER ISLAND ART & CRAFT INT'L. CORP. FLOWER ISLAND ART AND CRAFT INT'L., CORP. Flower Patch Floral Arrangement Flower Scent Industrial Laundry Services Flower Shop Flower shop in Makati Flower Shoppe Flower Speak Flower Stories Flower Stories Cafe FLOWER VENDOR FLOWER VENDORS Flowerasia, Incorporated Flowerdelivery.ph / Manilaflowershop.com FLOWERLANE MONTESSORI CHILDREN'S HOUSE Flowerlics flowermart Flowers 'n Pots By Mely Flowers & Events By Teddy Manuel Flowers & Evergreen Flowers & Foliage Flowers & More Flowers And Events Flowers And Events By Roland Manuel Flowers and Events by Teddy Manuel Flowers And Foliage Flowers and Gifts Davao Flowers And Gifts Davao Flowers and Gifts SHop for Philippines Flowers and Greens Flowers By Ces Flowers by Enero Flowers by Paula Estrada Flowers By Sylvia Flowers By Venus Flowers Express Flowers In Harmony Flowers of May Flowers Planet Co FlowersPhilippines.com Flowersway Flowershop Flowertowne Inc. Flowertowne Inc. FLOWING STREAMS WATER REFILLING STATION FLOWTECH CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Flowtork Industrial FLOYD TECHNOLOGY CENTER Floyds Ice Cream Bar - Eastwood City Walk 2 Floyds Ice Cream Bar - Greenhills FLSS INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND GENERAL SERVICES Flt Customs Brokerage Flt Prime Insurance FLT Prime Insurance Corporation - Bacolod Branch FLT Prime Insurance Corporation - Baguio Branch FLT Prime Insurance Corporation - Cagaya de Oro Branch FLT Prime Insurance Corporation - Caloocan Branch FLT Prime Insurance Corporation - Cebu Branch FLT Prime Insurance Corporation - Dagupan Branch FLT Prime Insurance Corporation - Davao Branch FLT Prime Insurance Corporation - Head Office Fluff and Stuff Laundry Fluff and Stuff Laundry Service Fluidsurf Enterprises FLUIDTECH CORPORATION FLUOR AMEC PHILIPPINES INC. Fluor Daniel Eastern Incorporated FLUOR DANIEL INC. PHILS. Fluor Daniels Philippines, Incorporated FLUSHING MEADOWS RESORT & PLAYGROUND FLUSHING MEADOWS RESORT AND PLAYGROUND Fluvial Corporation Flux Power FLUX POWER CORPORATION FLY 4 LESS INTL TRAVEL & TOURS INC FLY ACE FLY ACE CORPORATION Fly Ace Corporation Fly Ace Corporation - Main Office Fly Ace Corporation - Marketing Office FLY AND SAIL TOURS & TRAVEL << back