Live Philippines : Teleradio Electronics - The Health CubeTeleradio Electronics Telerain Inc. Teleresourcing Dynamics TELESIS RECORDING AND ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION TELESONIC CAR ACCESSORIES, INCORPORATED TELESPHERE CUSTOMS BROKERAGE TELESUCCESS PRODUCTION Teletech Teletech Customer Management Philippines, Incorporated TELETECH HOLDINGS, INC. Teletech Marketing Communications, Inc. TELETECH TELESYSTEMS TELETECH TELESYSTEMS, INCORPORATED TELETRADE CORPORATION Teletrans Electronics Trading International Teletransform Company LTD. Teletron One Cyber Café TELETRONICS CORPORATION TELEVISION AND PRODUCTION EXPONENTS - TAPE TELEVISION AND PRODUCTION EXPONENTS INCORPORATED Television International Corporation TELEX ELECTRONIC TRADING TELEX ELECTRONIC TRDG Telex Pres Telexpress Inc TELFORD MANPOWER SVCS Teligent Systems TELIGENT SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Telin Enterprises TELLIGENT SYSTEMS Tellisys TELMO OG BROKERAGE Telstar Marketing Corporation TELSTAR PACKAGING INDUSTRIES Telus International TELUS International Philippines Temena Printing Company Incorporated TEMEX PHILIPPINES, INC. Temocal Real Estate Corporation Temp Express Incorporated Tempco Glass Tempco Glass Supply Tempco Specialty Glass Industries Tempcontrol Systems Incorporated TEMPLA JM AND ASSOCIATES TEMPLE ACADEMY OF DASMARIÑAS Temple Hill International School Temple of Taoism Intl Inc. Templo and Templo U.S. Immigration Attorneys Tempmaster Airconditioners TEMPMASTER REF AND AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES Tempo Crafts International TEMPONGKO LEONCIO B Temprite Engineering, Incorporated Temprite Industrial Corporation Temps And Staffers Temps And Staffers Inc. Temps and Staffers, Incorporated - Head Office Temps and Staffers, Incorporated - Recruitment Center Tempura Japanese Grill Tempus Development Corporation Tempwell Company TEMSON SALES ENTERPRISES Temysan Talent Training Center Ten - C Steel Ten 71 Enterprises Ten Cakes And Coffee TEN CRAFTINGS Ten Cycle Transport & MPC ten d men multiline co. TEN DOLLAR SARI-SARI STORE Ten Knots Development Corporation Ten s Woodworks Ten Six Cassava Cake And Pastries TEN SIX CASSAVA CAKE and Pastries TEN SIXTEEN SEVENTY FOUR GENERAL MERCHANDISING TENAJ INTERNATIONALE LEARNING CENTRE, INC. Tenarms Development Tencate Geosynthelic Asia Tencate Geosynthelic Asia Tenchavez Pastor B Tender Juicy Hotdog TENDER LOVING CARE SCHOOL Tender Touch tenderdainty home and hotel services massage TENDERNICE GENERAL MERCHANDISE TENDON PHILIPPINES, INC. Tenement Elementary School TENFOLD CONSTRUCTION Tenfold Customs Brokerage And Transport Corporation Tenfold Telecom Construction Inc. Teng - Ronquillo Medical And Dental Clinic TENG ALFREDO A Teng Alvin Teng Antonio Teng Emilio S TENG FRANCISCO TENG HAO MDSG TENG HUA CANVAS TENG JUANITA S Teng Julita Teng Kim Chin TENG KIM CHIN R E LESSOR TENG MANG SENG GEN MDSE Teng Plumbing Services TENG TAD MGT CONSULTANCY Teng Teng Beauty Parlor Teng Tuan John T Teng's Clutch Brake Parts Supply and General Services Teng's Clutch Brake Parts Supply and General Services Tenim Insurance Services Tenim Insurance Services, Incorporated TENIX PHILIPPINES INC. Tenkyte Enterprises Tennessee Walker Dining Cruises Incorporated Tenny Enterprises Tenorio Emelina C TENORIO IRENE R TENS WOODWORKS TENSHIN PLACEMENT SERVICES, INC.PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Tensile Group And Company TENSILLE GROUP & CO INC Tensorex Industrial Corporation Tent Asia TENT RENTALS Tentay Tentay Food And Sauces TENTAY FOOD AND SAUCES INC Tenth Veterans Development Corporation Tenthaus Philippines Tenthaus Philippines Inc. TENWHEELERS TYPING JOBS TEOCAMPO ENTERPRISE Teodora Alonzo Elementary School TEODORA G PAGUIA R E LESSOR Teodoro Alejandro P TEODORO GROUP DEV'T. CORP. Teodoro Group of Companies Teodoro Group of Companies Teodoro International Trading Teodoro Jose B Jr Teodoro Jose B Junior Teodoro Julita S TEODORO LAZARITO WSALE OF SOFTDRINKS Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario TEODORO N ROMASANTA INC TEODORO R. YANGCO EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE Teodoro R. Yangco Elementary School Teodosio Realty and Development, Corporation (TReaD) TEOFECO TRADING Teofilo B Norona / Georgina O Clarido Teogenes Albert P. Dela Torre Teomar Enterprises Teomariden Ticketing Office Teomora Enterprises, Incorporated Teomora Village TEOPE COML Teope Commercial TEOTICO JOSE C Teoville Development Corporation TEQUESTA INTERNATIONAL CORP. Ter-Byte Dot com Inc. Tera Prime Realty And Development, Inc TERABYTE SOLUTIONS, INC. TERADATA PHILIPPINES Terahertz Computer TERAMEG COML Tercero Insurance Agency Inc. Terelay Investment & Development Corporation Terelay Investment & Development Corporation Terelay Investment And Development Corporation TEREN REALTY CORP Teresa & Sons Printing Press TERESA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY TERESA COMM. HIGH SCHOOL TERESA CREW GOLD PHILIPPINES TERESA DELA TORRE TERESA FARMS TERESA M NOEL R E LESSOR Teresa Marble TERESA MARBLE CORPORATION Teresa Marble Corporation Teresa Marble Corporation Teresa Marble Corporation - Head Office Teresa Pawnshop TERESA'S STORE TERESITA B ALCERA SARI SARI STORE Teresita Bakery TERESITA C RUBIO BAKERY & SARI SARI STORE Teresita C. Marasigan Teresita C. See Teresita Cena Teresita D. Calizo TERESITA GARCIA R E LESSOR Teresita Garde Teresita L. Tan TERESITA M CALUB FRESH FLOWERS TERESITA M FABIAN BEDSPACER TERESITA N CORDERO RET OF FRESH FLOWERS TERESITA PAYUMO GEN MDSE Teresita Pintor Guevarra PIID TERESITA U BORJA PEDDLER OF YAKULT Teresita V Zabala Rice And Commercial Teresita Y. Tan TEREVI ENTERPRISES Teri Luncheonette & Chicken House Teriyaki Boy Teriyaki Dragon TERMICON Terminix Terminix Pest Control Terminix Termite And Pest Control Termite and Pest Contro Termite And Pest Control Incorporated Termite Control Services in the Philippines Termite Control Services Philippines Termite-pest Specialist & Trading Company Ternida Travel Agency Terocel Realty Incorporated Terp Asia Construction TERP ASIA CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION TERRA DOS MOVERS CORP. TERRA FLAVOR TRADING TERRA MODA INC TERRA POINT MANPOWER SERVICES CENTRE INCPRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Terra Rika Beach and Dive Resort Terra Villa Resort Terra Wellness Spa Terrabytes Computers Terracore Company Inc TERRADATA TERRAMAR AQUA RESOURCES, INC. Terramedic Inc. TERRAMEDIC INCORPORATED Terrano Enterprises Terraphobic Lures Terraza Azul Dormitory And Residence Hall Terrene Enterprises Terry Beverly L Terry Selection - Head Office Terry Selection - The Podium TERRY'S ANTIQUES Terry's Selection Terryline Trading Tersing's Cycle Parts Tertex International Philippines Tertez International Philippines Terton Craft and Arts, Inc. Terton Metal Works Company Terumo (Philippines) Corp. TERUMO (PHILIPPINES), INC. Tes TES INTL TRANSPORT PHILS CORP Tesalonica Glassmaster TESAN'S BOUTIQUE Tesco Realty Co Inc. Tesco Realty Company, Incorporated TESCO SERVICES, INC. TESDA - QUEZON CITY LINGKOD BAYAN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CENTER TESDA - Regional Training Center TESDA Korea-Philippines Information Technology Training Center TESDA LAGUNA Provincial Training Center TESDA Provincial Training Center - Binangonan TESDA Provincial Training Center - Cainta TESDA Provincial Training Center - Davao (Mintal) TESDA PROVINCIAL TRAINING CENTER - PALIPARAN TESDA Provincial Training Center - Rosario TESDA Quezon Provincial Training Center TESDA Training Center Taguig Campus Enterprise TESDA WOMEN''S CENTER TESDA-CCNTS TESL Training Center TESL Training Center (TTC) TESMA CREW MANAGEMENT INC. (FOR: TSCHUDI & EITZEN PHILIPPINES INC)MANNING AGENCY Tesman Marketing Tesor's Realty Corporation Tesoro TESORO ELECTRO-DIGITAL SYSTEMS, INC. Tesoro International Consulting Group, Inc. Tesoro s Marketing TESORO'S EXCLUSIVE PHILIPPINE HANDICRAFTS TESORO'S INTERNATIONAL INC. Tesoro's International Inc. Tesoro's International Incorporated TESORO'S MARKETING CORPORATION TESORO'S MARKETING CORPORATION (FOR. TESORO ' S INT'L., INC.) Tesoro's Realty Corporation Tesorons Marketing Corp TESOROS MARKETING CORPORATION Tesoros Realty Tesoro’s Philippine Handicrafts Tess Art Gift Shoppe Tess B. Santiago PIID TESS DELA TORRE BREAD HOUSE TESS PULIDO BEAUTY SALON FOR MEN AND WOMEN TESS VIDEOKE Tessa Construction & Trading Tessa Flowers & Balloons TESSHIRLEY'S FRAMES Tessie's Petron Service Station TESSIE'S SWEETS AND PASTRIES Tessies Grills and Roasters TESSILTECHNICA INCORPORATED TESSILTECHNICA, INC. Tessjohn Computer Shop TESSMAN SALES INC Tessmann Sales Incorporated Tessmann Sales Incorporated Test Consultants Inc. Test Consultants Incorporated Testman General Services Inc Testman General Services Incorporated TESUKI CRAFTS Tet's Mini Mart Tetcor Trading Corporation Tetra Pack Philippines Tetra Petshop TETRA TECH. EM INC Tetra Technologies Distribution TETRA TECHNOLOGY EM INCORPORATED Tetra-Music Tetuan Alliance Kinder School Teves Avelino Teves Computer Services Teves Dry Cleaning Teves Laundry TEVES MANUEL INCORPORATED tex technology inc TEX-MASTER TRADING CENTER TEXACO INDUSTRIAL SALES CORP TEXAN DRESSES Texas Construction Texas Drilling TEXAS DRILLING INC TEXAS RESOURCES CORPORATION TEXCHEM MKTG CORP TEXCHEM PACK (PHILS.) CORP. TEXCOMAN MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Texcon Manufacturing Company TEXCON MANUFACTURING CORPORATION- BRANCH TEXLANDIA COMMERCIAL Texpert Knitwear Factory Corporation TEXPRINT INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION TEXT AND IMAGES TRADING Text Link Cash Text Me Trading TEXT SWITCH UNLIMITED INC. TEXT SWITCH UNLIMITED, INC. Texthaven TEXTIL MASTER INC TEXTILE ENGINEERING (PHILIPPINES) INCORPORATED Textile Link Enterprise TEXTILE MILLS ASSOC OF THE PHILS. INC. Textile Mills Association Of The Philippines Incorporated TEXTILE MILLS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. TEXTILE MILLS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. Textile Mills Association of the Phils., Inc.(TMAP) Textile Producers Association Of The Philippines TEXTILE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, INCORPORATED TEXTILE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILS., INC. TEXTILE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILS., INC. (TEXPAP) Textile Source Asia Textile Wealth TEXTILE WORLD MARKETING INCORPORATED TEXTILE YARDAGE MARKETING INCORPORATED TEXTILES AND GARMENTS MILL INCORPORATED textilewealth Textmatix Trading TEXTON MANUFACTURING & MARKETING CORPORATION TexTperts Advertising & Promotions, Inc. Textreat International Incorporated TEXTRON CORPORATION Textron Corporation - Cebu Office Textron Corporation - San Juan Office TEZZ LEARNING SCHOOL Tf Logistics Philippines TF LOGISTICS PHILIPPINES INC TF MANUFACTURING, INC. TF trading enterprises TFB ENTERPRISES TFB INC TFC Financial Group TFC HOLDINGS INC TFE Sales Marketing TFN FAR EAST INCORPORATED TFS Inc. TFS PAWNSHOP INCORPORATED Tft Express Printing Company Incorporated TFW CUSTOM BROKERAGE CORP. TG Designing Corner TG Designing-Corner TG HOLDINGS INC TG INTL ARTISTS & MANPOWER EXPONENT INC Tg Trading TG Training Center Corporation TG TRAINING CTR CORP Tga & T System Management & Construction, Incorporated TGA CARS, INCORPORATED TGA FOODS INTERNATIONAL Tgaf Team Graphics Tgb Creative Solutions TGB SINANGAG FOOD HOUSE TGBG Trading TGC Corporation TGCM TOY CTR TGEH HOLIDAY CORP Tgia Craft Manufacturing Tgk Asia Consultancy Services TGM Trading TGM Trading TGM Trading TGN REALTY Tgraf Tgs Fastfood & Catering Services Tgs Internet Cafe Tgv Builders Th Industrial Incorporated THADDEUS EXPORTS INCORPORATED THADDEUS LEARNING CENTER Thae Spa At Mandarin Oriental Manila Thai THAI AIRWAYS Thai Airways International Limited THAI AIRWAYS INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Thai Airways Philippines Thai Boran Massage Thai Food Station Thai Haus Home Massage Qc Thai In A Box - The Podium Thai In Box Thai Kang Long International, Inc. Thai Spa by Preeyada Thai To Taoist Temple Inc. THAILANDROYAL THAI EMBASSY THAKUR LAL R THAL BUILDERS Tham and Manuelle Creative Boutique THAMES WATER INTERNATIONAL THANAJA EXPORT INC. Thanakha Thanakha THANANANT INTERNATIONAL TRADING Thania Venice Enterprises That One Piece That Wonderful Day That's Cadiz That's D Pointe That's D Pointe Dance Shop THATTALIL DYNAMIC ENTERPRISE THATTAN GENERAL IMPORTER THAY HONG HARDWARE THD DEVELOPMENT MARKETING THE (FAR EAST) APPAREL CORP The 247 Media Advertising Inc. The 3rd Party Wedding Planner The 3rd Party Wedding Planners The A Shop The Aba Plumbing Services The Abba's Orchard The Abba's Orchard - A Maria Montessori School - Bukidnon Campus The Abba's Orchard - A Maria Montessori School - Cagayan de Oro Campus The Abba's Orchard - A Maria Montessori School - Cebu Campus The Abba's Orchard - A Maria Montessori School - Davao Campus The Abba's Orchard - A Maria Montessori School - Quezon City Campus The Abba's Orchard - A Maria Montessori School - Taguig Campus The Acacia Your Party Place The Acadeny for International Culinary Arts (A.I.C.A) The Adelphi College The Adora Saloon The Adroth Project The Alpa Hotel and Restaurant The Alps Technology Academy The Alps Technology Academy (TATA) Inc. THE ALPS TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY (TATA) INC. (FORMERLY KOBAYASHI DENTAL TRNG. CENTER) THE AMALGATED TRADING CENTER THE AMAZING FOOD COMPANY, INCORPORATED The American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. The American Eye Center The American Prudential Insurance Co. Inc. THE AMMROSE THE AMROP HEVER GROUP The Amvel Mansions The Analysts Supply House Inc The Ananyana Beach Resort THE ANGEL GARDEN & NOVELTY ITEMS THE ANIMAL HOUSE VET CLINIC The Animals Place The Apo View Hotel The Apparel Corp (Far East) The Appraisery THE ARISTOCRAT BAKESHOP THE ARISTOCRAT FRANCHISE CORP The Aristocrat Restaurant The Aristocrat Restaurant, Inc THE ARISTOMART FOODSHOPPE The Aromatherapy Center The Art of Living The Art Of Make Up Team The Art of Make-Up by Joel Miguel The Art Of Make-up Team By Joel Miguel The Art of Vic Villacorta The Art's Cakes And Pastries The Asia and Pacific Forum on Poverty The Asia Foundation The Asia Group Inc The Asia Pacific Center for Research, Inc. THE ASIA PACIFIC FOR RESEARCH TECHNOLOGIES INC The Asia Rice Foundation (ARF) The Asia-Pacific Center for Research The Asian Tropics The Asian Tropics Aesthetic Spa THE ASIAN WALL STREET JOURNAL The Aspen Grove The Astra Group, Incorporated The Athletes Foot The Austrian Embassy The Austrian Embassy The Awning Company The Azure the baby s outlet The Baby Ultrasound Company The Baby Ultrasound Company - Sm City San Lazaro The Bacon Travel Corporation The Baguio Country Club - Baguio Office The Baguio Country Club - Manila Office The Baguio Reporter The Bakery Exchange, Incorporated The Bakeshop The Balloon-On-A-Stick THE BALLOONERY The Banquet Specialty Shoppe Inc. The Barn The Baron Travel Corporation THE BAS CORPORATION THE BATCHERY MEAT SHOP The Battling Bastards of Bataan The BDB Bank, Inc. (A Rural Bank) The Beacon The Beacon Resort Tower Makati The Beacon School The Beaufort THE BELLAVISTA HOTEL-CEBU THE BELLEVUE MANILA THE BELLEVUE SPA CLUB The Bengzon Law Frim THE BEST CO INC THE BEST COMPANY, INCORPORATED The Best of Taal Batangas The Bethel Educational Support & Technology Inc. The Bethel Educational Support & Technology Inc. The BetterDog Salon The Beyond Band THE BIG AND SMALL ART COMPANY The Big Apple Pizza Co Inc. The Big Fish Internet Hub the bikemate trading and co. The Biltmore Condominium The Bindi's Inc. The Black Fleet The Black Nazarene Specialty Hospital The Black Soup Project Art Space The Blounge Salon The Blu Spot The Blue Abyss Dive Shop The Blue Kitchen - Power Plant Mall The Blue Kitchen - Rockwell The Blue Kitchen - Shangri-La The Blue Kitchen - Shangri-la Plaza The Blue Mountains The Blue Orchid Resort The Bluestation THE BOAC HOTEL The Boat Shop Corporation The Bodhi Shop The Body Shop The Body Shop - Head Office The Body Worker THE BOOTS COMPANY (PHILIPPINES), INC. The Bowery The Bowler The Bqa Plumber And Carpenter The Brain Audio Visual The Brand Connection Enterprises Inc The Bread Bag Pandesal Bar The Bread Factory The Bread Market THE BREAD MARKET CORPORATION THE BRETHREN SCHOOL The Brick Multi-sport Store The Bridal Bliss And Simple Solution The Bridal Cortege The Bride's Maids & Company The Bride's Maids And Company The Briefcase Inc The Briefcase, Incorporated The British School Manila The British School Manila The Bugman The Builder Depot The Bungalow Food Services Inc. THE BUNGALOW FOOD SERVICES, INCORPORATED The Busy Bee The C O B Design Group, Incorporated The Cafe THE CAFE MEDITERRANEAN CORPORATION The Cake Box Dessert Cafe The Cake Club The Cake Club - Power Plant Mall The Cake Lady The Cake Planet And Cafe The Calerey International Manpower Services, Inc. The Call Center The Camillian Fathers Incorporated The Campaigns & Image Group The Canadian Cabinet Company Incorporated THE CANADIAN TRADE COMMISSIONER SERVICE THE CANDLE COMPANY The Candy Maker THE CANDY MAKER INCORPORATED The Capital Insurance & Surety Co. Inc. The Captains Bar The Caramel Pearl THE CARAMEL PEARL INCORPORATED THE CARDINAL ACADEMY (THE CARDINAL SCHOOL) THE CASTLE THE CASTLE INC. The Cathedral Church of Saint Michael The Catmonanon The Cellular Shop. The Centennial Customs Brokerage Corporation The Center for Asian Culinary Studies THE CENTER FOR CREATIVE CONCEPTS FOR CHILDREN The Center of Asian Culinary Studies THE CENTRAL MARTIN ACADEMY, INC. The Certified Brokerage THE CERTIFIED BROKERAGE CORP The Challenger News The Champs Customs Brokerage THE CHAMPS CUSTOMS BROKERAGE & SVCS INC The Cheese Steak Shop Amorsolo THE CHILDREN'S DISCOVERY CENTER, INC. THE CHILDREN'S HAUS MAKATI FOUNDATION, INC. The Children's Joy Foundation, Inc - CARAGA Branch The Children's Joy Foundation, Inc - Cavite Branch The Children's Joy Foundation, Inc - Cebu Branch The Children's Joy Foundation, Inc - Laguna Branch The Children's Joy Foundation, Inc - Main Office The Children's Joy Foundation, Inc - NCR Branch The Children's Joy Foundation, Inc - Tacloban Branch The Childrens Ark Preparatory School Philippines The Childs Place Learning Center The Childs World The Chocolate Kiss The Chocolate Kiss - UP Kiss Cafe The Chocolate Kiss Cafe - Roces Kiss Cafe The Chocolate Kiss Cafe - UP Kiss Cafe The Chocolate Love The Christmas Factory The Church of God, International The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints The Churches of Christ - A-Hill Church of Christ The Churches of Christ - Centrepoint Church of Christ The Churches of Christ - Downtown Church of Christ The Churches of Christ - La Trinidad Church of Christ The Churches of Christ - Midtown Church of Christ The Cinematic Studio The Classic Roast The Clean Company Inc The CLSU Open University The CMD Shop THE COCA-COLA EXPORT CORPORATION The Cocoa Pantry THE COCOARK, INC. THE COCONUT COMPANY INC. THE COFFE EXPERIENCE The Coffee And Pancake Company The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf - Gateway Mall The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf - Greenbelt 3 The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf - Greenhills The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf - Head Office The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf - Mall Of Asia The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf - Newport Mall The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf - Robinsons Galleria The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf - Robinsons Place Manila The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf - Sm City North Edsa The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf - Sm Megamall The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf - The Venice Piazza The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf - Trinoma The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf Philippines - A.venue Mall The Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf Philippines - Alabang Town Center The Coffee Beanery - Head Office The Coffee Beanery - Shangri-la Plaza The Coffee Experience The Coffee Shop Restaurant and Hotel The Coffee Way The Coffeebyte The Colege of Maasin The College of Maasin The College of Science & Technology THE COLLEGES OF THE REPUBLIC The Columbary The Commoner, Inc. The Commonwealth Institue THE COMMONWEALTH INSTITUE INC The Company The Computer Authority The Computer Authority - Festival The Computer Authority - Megamall The Computer Authority - Park Square The Computer Authority - Sm City Marikina The Computer Authority - Sm Cubao The Computer Authority - Sm Southmall The Computer Authority-Tca The Computer Shop The Condominium Specialist The Conflict Resolution Group Foundation THE CONSOLIDATED TOURS THE CONSOLIDATED TRAVEL & TOURS INC THE CONSULATE OF SWEDEN - CEBU The Cookie Jar THE COPA BUSINESSMAN'S HOTEL The Core Group The Corinthian Spa The Corn Wagon - Alabang Town Center The Country Bank (Calapan Branch) The Country Bank (Main Branch) The Country Bank (Nasugbu Branch) The Country Bank (Pinamalayan Branch) The Country Bank (Roxas Branch) THE COUNTRY BANK (RURAL BANK OF BONGABONG) The Court Entertainment The Covenant Car Company Inc. The Covenant Car Company, Incorporated The Crafter's Reference The Crafts Products, Inc. The Crane Safety People The Creamery Resto And Ice Cream Bar - Mall Of Asia The Credit Monitor Ltd Co The Credit Monitor Ltd. Co. The Cruise & Island Adventure Inc. The Cruise & Island Adventure Inc. THE CRUISE AND ISLAND ADVENTURE, INC. PHILIPPINE REGISTERED VESSEL The Crystal Bakery THE CUBICLE ART GALLERY The Culinary Exchange, Incorporated The Culinary Institute of Aristocrat THE CURT-N-MASTER The Custom Clay Shop - Sm City North Edsa The Custom Clay Shop - Sm City Sucat The Custom Clay Shop - Sm Megamall The Cyberhut THE D I Y (DO IT YOURSELF) SHOP CORP The Daily Dipolognon The Daily Dipolognon The Daily Guardian The Daily Guardian Online - Bacolod Office The Daily Guardian Online - Kalibo Office The Daily Guardian Online - Main Office The Daily Guardian Online - Manila Office The Daily Record Incorporated THE DAILY TRIBUNE The Danish Baker, Danish Bakers International Incorporated The Daughters of Charity Philippines Province THE DAVENSON CORP THE DECORATOR'S GALLERY, INCORPORATED The Delightful Miss Joyce THE DESIGN BY ULYSSE & CECILIA INC. The Design People - Web Developers & Web Designers The Design People, Incorporated The Dessert Solutions Company The Dialy Tribune THE DIFFERENT TWIST The Different Twist Pretzel The Digital Imaging Company The Digital Pinoy the digital place The Dinagat Islands Online Website The Disciplers THE DISCOVERY PRE-SCHOOL, INC. THE DIY SHOP CORP The Doctors' Hospital Inc. THE DOG HOUSE The Dominican School Batch 1982 The Doughnut People, Inc. THE DRAWING ROOM THE DUCK FACTORY, INC. THE DUCK FACTORY, INCORPORATED The E-exchange Center The e3 Language Studio, Corporation THE EASTMONT INTERNATIONAL LEARNING CENTER The Elastomark THE ELASTOMARK CORPORATION The Enso Spa The Enterprise Center The Enterprise Inc. THE ENVIRONMENTS COLLABORATIVE The Episcobal Church of the Holy Trinity The European Hair Factory, Inc. The Event Factory The Everliving Company The Excellence Poultry And Livestock Specialist Consultancy Group THE EXECUTIVE PLAZA HOTEL The Eximpro Customs Brokerage Company The Expert Advantage Group THE EXPERT ADVANTAGE GROUP INC.PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY The Exquisite Box Company Inc. The Eyeshop Plus The Fabulous The Face Shop The Face Shop The Face Spa The Fairy The Familian Convergence Interactive (FCI) The Family Clinic The Family Clinic Inc. The Family Clinic, Inc. - Hospital & Colleges THE FANCY FINGERS The Farm The Farm - Manila Sales Office The Farm - San Benito The Farm at San Benito The Farm at San Benito The Farm at San Benito The Fashion Place Inc. The Fat Dog The Fat Skillet Cafe The FCP Designs The Feast Ortigas The Filipino Enterpreneur The Filipino Human Hair Processing and Development Corporation The Finest And Tabacco THE FINEST LIVING CO INC The Fire Protection Company The Firefly Brigade The First Authentic Japanese Health Spa For You And Your Family The First Galleon Fund Management Corporation THE FIRST LADDER PREPARATORY SCHOOL The First Steps, Inc. The First United Methodist Church THE FIRST UNITING CHRISTIAN SCHOOL The Fish Broker The Fisher Valley College THE FISHER VALLEY COLLEGE - C-5 ANNEX The Fisher Valley College, Inc. The Fisher's Valley College The Fishers Valley College The Flight Shop Travel And Tours The Flight Shop, Inc. The Florabella The Florabella Florist The Flower Box The Flower Cart The Flower Collector The Flower Farm The Flower Farm Corp The Flower Farm Corporation The Flower Plant Company, Phiippines The Flower Shop Around The Corner The Flower Shop By Rr Gomez The Flowergirls Flowershop The Flying Pig Farm The Food Cart Corner The Food People THE FOOD PEOPLE INCORPORATED THE FORMULA 690 THE FORT FOOD SERVICES The Fort Global City Condos.com The Four Oceans Travel & Tours the four oceans travel and tours The Four-eyed Journal The Fourth Dimension THE FOURTH DIMENSION INCORPORATED THE FOURTH DIVISION INC The Foyer Restaurant THE FOYIER RESTAURANT THE FRAGRANT GARDEN SALON The Frap Bar The Freedom Of Espresso The French Baker The French Baker - Alabang Town Center The French Baker - Cash and Carry The French Baker - Cherry Foodarama The French Baker - Edsa Central The French Baker - Greenhills The French Baker - Landmark Bridgeway The French Baker - Landmark Foodcenter The French Baker - Lucky Chinatown Mall The French Baker - Main Office The French Baker - Major Shops The French Baker - Mall Of Asia The French Baker - Pioneer Center Supermarket The French Baker - Robinsons Ermita The French Baker - Robinsons Galleria The French Baker - Robinsons Otis The French Baker - Robinsons Place Manila The French Baker - Santa Lucia East Grandmall The French Baker - SM Bacoor The French Baker - SM City Annex The French Baker - SM City Bicutan The French Baker - SM City Cebu The French Baker - SM City Clark The French Baker - SM City Concepcion The French Baker - SM City Dasmarinas The French Baker - SM City Fairview The French Baker - SM City Main The French Baker - Sm City Manila The French Baker - SM City Pampanga The French Baker - SM City Santa Mesa The French Baker - Sm City Sta. Mesa The French Baker - SM Mall of Asia The French Baker - SM Marikina The French Baker - SM Megamall The French Baker - SM Megamall The French Baker - SM Southmall The French Baker - SM Super Center The French Baker - SM Supermarket The French Baker - South Supermarket The French Baker - The Landmark The French Baker - Trinoma THE FRENCH BAKER, INCORPORATED The French Corner - Head Office The French Patisserie Corporation The Friction Store The Fruit Garden The G (getaway) Spa The Galerie Anna Inc THE GALVANIC SPA The Galvanic Spa - Main Gallery The Galvanic Spa - Makati Gallery The Garage Club, Inc THE GARDEN PLAZA HOTEL The Gardener's Bountry THE GARDENOF CHILD CULTURE DEVELOPMENT CENTER The Gateway Place THE GATEWAY SPA THE GAY SENORITA BEAUTY PARLOR THE GEN BATH & BODY CO INC THE GENERAL BATH AND BODY COMPANY, INC The General's Pizzeria - Head Office The Generics Pharmacy The Generics Pharmacy - Aklan The Generics Pharmacy - Antipolo The Generics Pharmacy - Aurora Blvd The Generics Pharmacy - Babag The Generics Pharmacy - Baesa The Generics Pharmacy - Bulacan The Generics Pharmacy - Pasig The Generics Pharmacy - Quezon The Generics Pharmacy - Quezon Tandang Sora The Generics Pharmacy - Santo Domingo The Generics Pharmacy - Tandang Sora The Gentle Shepherd School The Gentle Shepherd School THE GETAWAY SPA The Gideons International THE GILARMI The Global Realty THE GOLDEN PEAK HOTEL SUITES THE GOLDEN SALAKOT ARTS & ANTIQUES THE GOLDEN SEVEN BANK (RURAL BANK OF NABUA) The Golf Clinic THE GOOD GUESS MDSG THE GOOD SAMARITAN COLLEGES The Good Samaritan United Methodist Church THE GOOD SEED SOWER FOUNDATION INC The Good Shepherd Caregiver School Inc. The Good Shepherd College of Science & Technology The Gramercy Residences THE GRAND DAME HOTEL The Grand GR Import/Export The Grand Hamptons The Grand Midori Makati The Grand Towers Manila The Grant Group The Grasse Fragrance Company The Grasse Fragrance Company, Inc THE GREAT FILIPINO DEVT CORP The Great Odyssey The Great Plebeian College The Great Provider General Agency The Great Provider MPC THE GREAT SHEPHERD LEARNING CENTER The Green BOX Learning Solutions, Inc. The Green Grocer The Green One Events Venue THE GREEN PLANET CORPORATION The Groove By Rockwell The Guardian The Guaso Philippines The Guidon The Gustavian The Habihan School For Residential And International Services Management The Hand Creative Technology The Happy Bakery THE HARRY POUND CO The Health Capital Medical & Diagnostic Clinic The Health Capital Medical & Diagnostic Clinic The Health Choices The Health Cube << back